# # Title: ackro::polis # Generated at: Wed Jun 24 02:30:14 +0200 2009 # By: entropie # # URL: http://polis.ackro.org # Youtube { permalink: 2009/06/23#youtube715 youtube: RN_2REsaPAc author: entropie date: 23Jun2009 14:44 CEST tags: 11 layer stencil graffiti } Flickr { permalink: 2009/06/15#flickr714 flickr: 2620781314 date: 15Jun2009 18:56 CEST author: entropie tags: viszla dog puppy } Image { permalink: 2009/06/15#image713 img: http://itsnotlup.us/notlupus.png desc: Its not Lupus. source: itsnotlup.us tags: huse lupus tv date: 15Jun2009 00:28 CEST } Youtube { permalink: 2009/06/12#youtube712 youtube: 5MeiwLLZjDo author: entropie date: 12Jun2009 20:47 CEST tags: parkour freak machine man } Image { permalink: 2009/06/12#image711 img: http://www.fontblog.de/wp-content/jeep_gross.png desc: jeep source: fontblog.de tags: jeep logo gfx art date: 12Jun2009 14:21 CEST } Image { permalink: 2009/06/12#image710 img: http://j.photos.cx/10_kesz_SCnezet-2e4.jpg desc: starcraft cake source: tags: starcraft cake fun photo date: 12Jun2009 13:45 CEST } Youtube { permalink: 2009/06/11#youtube709 youtube: Q3D-SCHiVzc author: entropie date: 11Jun2009 18:25 CEST tags: nasa a volta music strange violence } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/11#nut708 text: "Oliver's simple fluid dynamics simulator":http://nerget.com/fluidSim/ date: 11Jun2009 14:44 CEST author: entropie tags: fluid simulator javascript } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/11#nut707 text: "Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text!":http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html date: 11Jun2009 14:28 CEST author: entropie tags: emacs lisp org mode howto } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/10#nut706 text: In "Skin to Skin":http://fleshmap.com/touch/skintoskin.html, compare men and women, touching and being touched. In "Sorting out Desire":http://fleshmap.com/touch/sorting.html, explore an atlas of excitement. date: 10Jun2009 16:39 CEST author: entropie tags: body men woman sex compare } Youtube { permalink: 2009/06/10#youtube705 youtube: K9hK45Are6w author: entropie date: 10Jun2009 13:26 CEST tags: the streets music swine flu } Multipleimg { permalink: 2009/06/10#multipleimg704 multipleimg: http://www.100-beste-plakate.de/2008/wg/source/image/283_00_02.jpghttp://www.100-beste-plakate.de/2008/wg/source/image/219_00_08.jpg desc: "100 beste Plakate 07":http://www.100-beste-plakate.de/ source: tags: art street plakate date: 10Jun2009 12:22 CEST } Youtube { permalink: 2009/06/09#youtube703 youtube: _os_t7DXcIg author: entropie date: 09Jun2009 16:27 CEST tags: mitchell brothers mixtape amster } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/09#nut702 text: "benga on howto make dubstep":http://www.duttyartz.com/2008/benga-on-how-to-make-dubstep/ date: 09Jun2009 16:14 CEST author: entropie tags: music howto benga dubstep } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/09#nut701 text: "green laster pointers":http://www.skylasers.com/green-laser-pointers.html upp to 150 mW date: 09Jun2009 12:36 CEST author: entropie tags: laser pointer green } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/09#nut700 text: "bicycle repair howtos":http://www.parktool.com/repair/ date: 09Jun2009 12:28 CEST author: entropie tags: bicycle howto } Nut { permalink: 2009/06/08#nut699 text: "soul strudt":http://soulstrut.com/mixes/ -- worlds famous DJ mixes date: 08Jun2009 17:17 CEST author: entropie tags: music mix stream dj } Nut { permalink: 2009/05/08#nut698 text: "An exploration":http://www.wefeelfine.org/ of human emotion, in six movements date: 08May2009 13:51 CEST author: entropie tags: graphs strange exploration } Shortquote { permalink: 2009/05/05#shortquote697 quote: Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret. author: date: 05May2009 21:51 CEST tags: Horaz latin quote } Youtube { permalink: 2009/05/05#youtube696 youtube: MiE1Qm7HSd8 author: entropie date: 05May2009 16:57 CEST tags: bicycle art woman } Flickr { permalink: 2009/04/30#flickr695 flickr: 3440577641 date: 30Apr2009 14:31 CEST author: entropie tags: mibrag leipzig markleeberg } Nut { permalink: 2009/04/30#nut694 text: "world vector graphics":http://webdesignledger.com/freebies/extremely-useful-geography-vectors-maps-and-globes date: 30Apr2009 13:30 CEST author: entropie tags: vector graphic world } Youtube { permalink: 2009/03/04#youtube693 youtube: MHCdYeSDJMk author: entropie date: 04Mar2009 20:59 CET tags: kano music against all odds } Image { permalink: 2009/02/26#image692 img: http://blog.uncovering.org/archives/uploads/2008/08061704_blog.uncovering.org_hack.jpg desc: source: blog.uncovering.org tags: illusion date: 26Feb2009 20:15 CET } Flickr { permalink: 2009/02/26#flickr691 flickr: 2287309463 date: 26Feb2009 18:01 CET author: entropie tags: fist girl legs } Nut { permalink: 2009/02/12#nut690 text: "ttyrec":http://0xcc.net/ttyrec/index.html.en is a tty recorder. Recorded data can be played back with the included ttyplay command. ttyrec is just a derivative of script command for recording timing information with microsecond accuracy as well. It can record emacs -nw, vi, lynx, or any programs running on tty. date: 12Feb2009 13:11 CET author: entropie tags: tty linux recorder } Multipleimg { permalink: 2009/02/07#multipleimg689 multipleimg: http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5112/zak300lx8.jpghttp://img525.imageshack.us/img525/9117/mi2smallpd1.jpg desc: "LucasArts Posters":http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=195492 source: tags: lucasarts game poster date: 07Feb2009 23:42 CET } Nut { permalink: 2009/02/02#nut688 text: We will call this number: 31415926535897932384626433833462648323979853562951413 a "Honaker prime":http://yrk.livejournal.com/241827.html. It is "A palindromic prime formed from the reflected decimal expansion of pi." date: 02Feb2009 09:32 CET author: entropie tags: prime math palindrom pi } Nut { permalink: 2009/02/02#nut687 text: Just type "pwn":http://pwnyoutube.com/ to download YouTube videos date: 02Feb2009 09:25 CET author: entropie tags: pwd youtube download service } Blog { permalink: 2009/01/27#blog686 topic: Carts of Darkness date: 27Jan2009 20:11 CET text: author: entropie tags: car homeless usa docu } Image { permalink: 2009/01/27#image685 img: http://www.woostercollective.com/2890571440_b58c9b782c_b.jpg desc: source: woostercollective.com tags: giant keyboard photo street art date: 27Jan2009 19:53 CET } Youtube { permalink: 2009/01/27#youtube684 youtube: sy_oN0yhJ6s author: entropie date: 27Jan2009 02:58 CET tags: aztekensalbei } Youtube { permalink: 2009/01/27#youtube683 youtube: d82Lq2rVB_4 author: entropie date: 27Jan2009 02:53 CET tags: it crowd piracy } Youtube { permalink: 2009/01/27#youtube682 youtube: ywQwo6I3Cfk author: entropie date: 27Jan2009 02:52 CET tags: ad dogs } Youtube { permalink: 2009/01/26#youtube681 youtube: PcEQlWcYS_4 author: entropie date: 26Jan2009 22:30 CET tags: Jeff Beck Eric Clapton music pro } Image { permalink: 2009/01/21#image680 img: http://io-soup-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/asset/0118/5883_eac3.jpeg desc: fear makes the wolf look bigger source: tags: fear wolf street art date: 21Jan2009 19:04 CET } Youtube { permalink: 2009/01/02#youtube679 youtube: -3OSoBFzhLI author: entropie date: 02Jan2009 08:51 CET tags: jape floating music } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/31#nut678 text: "One Year in 40 Seconds":http://eirikso.com/2008/12/27/one-year-worth-of-images-give-some-amazing-videos/ date: 31Dec2008 21:01 CET author: entropie tags: video one year } Image { permalink: 2008/12/31#image677 img: http://abstrusegoose.com/strips/holiday_tradition.PNG desc: "holiday traditions":http://abstrusegoose.com/strips/holiday_tradition.PNG source: abstrusegoose.com tags: holiday traditions date: 31Dec2008 21:01 CET } Youtube { permalink: 2008/12/22#youtube676 youtube: GPZ5fnYFI4Q author: entropie date: 22Dec2008 19:10 CET tags: nerd we wanna dance } Image { permalink: 2008/12/22#image675 img: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/commons/eurorscg-gayhotelrgb.jpg desc: gayhouse ;-) source: ibeliveinadv.com tags: gay hotel fun date: 22Dec2008 17:56 CET } Image { permalink: 2008/12/22#image674 img: http://kqe.de/pruell/kapitulation.jpg desc: kapitalution source: kqe.de tags: kapitulation piracy date: 22Dec2008 17:25 CET } Image { permalink: 2008/12/22#image673 img: http://kqe.de/pruell/teefontaine.jpg desc: source: kqe.de tags: tea fun date: 22Dec2008 17:21 CET } Youtube { permalink: 2008/12/22#youtube672 youtube: i5vL8lgNEBA author: entropie date: 22Dec2008 17:20 CET tags: music kanye west amazing } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/22#nut671 text: "Does She Love You?":http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/the_nonexpert/does_she_love_you.php date: 22Dec2008 16:58 CET author: entropie tags: does she love you } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/22#nut670 text: "sIFR 2.0":http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/sifr/: Rich Accessible Typography for the Masses date: 22Dec2008 16:30 CET author: entropie tags: rich text typography } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/22#nut669 text: "The ultimate resource in grid systems":http://www.thegridsystem.org/. date: 22Dec2008 16:29 CET author: entropie tags: grid system } Image { permalink: 2008/12/17#image668 img: http://io-soup-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/asset/0080/8024_c5d9.jpeg desc: to don't source: soup.io tags: to dont date: 17Dec2008 17:48 CET } Youtube { permalink: 2008/12/17#youtube667 youtube: NuyzA5dT5Kk author: entropie date: 17Dec2008 17:06 CET tags: bush dog iraq } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/17#nut666 text: "Making Modular Layout Systems":http://24ways.org/2008/making-modular-layout-systems great idea. date: 17Dec2008 16:39 CET author: entropie tags: css layout modular } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/17#nut665 text: "Vertical Farming":http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/12/vertical_farming.html?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890 date: 17Dec2008 16:39 CET author: entropie tags: vertical farming } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/17#nut664 text: "Umbrella":http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/12/umbrella_lights_up_brighter_the_har.html lights up brighter the harder the rain falls date: 17Dec2008 16:38 CET author: entropie tags: tech light } Image { permalink: 2008/12/16#image663 img: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f1/Umultimopiccolo.jpg desc: source: tags: see you on the barricades date: 16Dec2008 20:17 CET } Blog { permalink: 2008/12/16#blog662 topic: Shoe Attack date: 16Dec2008 20:03 CET text: !http://ackro.org/~mit/bushi.gif! author: entropie tags: bush irak shoe } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/16#nut661 text: Der "Kobraeffekt":http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobraeffekt beschreibt das Phänomen, dass Maßnahmen, die getroffen werden, um ein bestimmtes Problem zu lösen, dieses auch verschärfen können. date: 16Dec2008 15:40 CET author: entropie tags: kobra effekt german } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/16#nut660 text: "Låt den rätte komma in":http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/ (Let the Right One In) date: 16Dec2008 15:35 CET author: entropie tags: movie } Flickr { permalink: 2008/12/16#flickr659 flickr: 3099577057 date: 16Dec2008 15:33 CET author: entropie tags: 30 Ways Shock Yourself } Youtube { permalink: 2008/12/16#youtube657 youtube: spQo_HIg-o8 author: entropie date: 16Dec2008 02:24 CET tags: vleed the world } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/15#nut656 text: "Tourist Trap":http://www.datenform.de/blog/2008/12/tourist-trap.html haha, want a video. date: 15Dec2008 19:39 CET author: entropie tags: tourist trap } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/09#nut652 text: "The Fabric of Resistance":http://www.woostercollective.com/2008/12/the_fabric_of_resistance.html (slide) date: 09Dec2008 16:03 CET author: entropie tags: resistance slide } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/09#nut650 text: "Genetic Programming: Evolution of Mona Lisa":http://rogeralsing.com/2008/12/07/genetic-programming-evolution-of-mona-lisa/ date: 09Dec2008 00:43 CET author: entropie tags: genentic programming mona lisa } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/09#nut649 text: "Genetic Algorithm building a little car":http://www.wreck.devisland.net/ga/ date: 09Dec2008 00:41 CET author: entropie tags: genetic algorithm car } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/06#nut647 text: "XRVG":http://xrvg.rubyforge.org/ stands for "eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics". The purpose of this project is to define and implement a high-level and powerful programming environment for vector graphics generation. date: 06Dec2008 21:03 CET author: entropie tags: xrvg ruby svg programming } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/06#nut646 text: "The 8-Bit Tarot Project":http://www.lunarbistro.com/art/8-bit_tarot/ date: 06Dec2008 20:58 CET author: entropie tags: 8bit tarot art } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/03#nut645 text: "Age 10 to 60 - through Make-up & Photography":http://gemssty.com/2008/11/22/age-10-to-60-through-make-up-photography/ date: 03Dec2008 17:02 CET author: entropie tags: photo model age } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/03#nut643 text: "Rotating Polymorphic Interface":http://theuiguy.blogspot.com/2008/10/rotating-polymorph-interface.html date: 03Dec2008 16:16 CET author: entropie tags: rotating polymorph interface } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/02#nut641 text: "jsAscii":http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/jsascii/ -- JavaScript Image ASCIIfier date: 02Dec2008 20:49 CET author: entropie tags: ascii javascript } Nut { permalink: 2008/12/02#nut639 text: "Fu©Kin Music Mixtapes":http://fkmusic.org/fuckinmusic.html date: 02Dec2008 20:44 CET author: entropie tags: fucking music mixtape } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/26#nut637 text: "Ur":http://www.impredicative.com/ur/ is a programming language designed to introduce richer type system features into functional programming in the tradition of ML and Haskell. Ur is functional, pure, statically-typed, and strict. Ur supports a powerful kind of metaprogramming based on row types. date: 26Nov2008 17:15 CET author: entropie tags: ur functional programming strict } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/26#nut636 text: "Ramaze: The underrated Web Framework":http://rubyconf2008.confreaks.com/ramaze-the-underrated-web-framework.html Screencast RubyConf 2008 date: 26Nov2008 17:14 CET author: entropie tags: ramaze ruby screencast rubyconf } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/25#nut632 text: "Processing":http://processing.org/ is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. Version 1.0 released. There is a "javascript port":http://ejohn.org/blog/processingjs/ as well. date: 25Nov2008 17:25 CET author: entropie tags: processing programming language js } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/22#nut630 text: "Live Piracy Map 2008":http://www.icc-ccs.org/index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=visualization&controller=visualization.googlemap&Itemid=89 date: 22Nov2008 21:52 CET author: entropie tags: live piracy map } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/21#nut626 text: "Build an easy 5x5 Greenhouse for under $25":http://www.instructables.com/id/Build_an_Easy_5_x_5_Home_Greenhouse_for_under_25/ date: 21Nov2008 19:10 CET author: entropie tags: howto greenhouse } Shortquote { permalink: 2008/11/20#shortquote625 quote: Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;) author: Linus Torvalds date: 20Nov2008 21:15 CET tags: backups wimps } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/20#nut622 text: "Michael Rakowitz's ParaSITE":http://www.woostercollective.com/ date: 20Nov2008 16:35 CET author: entropie tags: parasite } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/18#nut616 text: "CSS Bubble Tooltips":http://trentrichardson.com/examples/csstooltips/ date: 18Nov2008 15:36 CET author: entropie tags: css tooltips } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/18#nut615 text: "Semantische Tag Cloud":http://aktuell.de.selfhtml.org/weblog/semantische-tagcloud date: 18Nov2008 15:26 CET author: entropie tags: german howto html css accessibility } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/17#nut613 text: "Mv_Embed":http://metavid.org/w/index.php/Mv_embed is a javascript library for easy embedding of ogg theora/vorbis media with the html5 tag. date: 17Nov2008 16:33 CET author: entropie tags: js embed lib code www } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/14#nut610 text: "you´d rather be a bitch than be an ordinary broken heart":http://wortmalerin.blogspot.com/2008/11/youd-rather-be-bitch-than-be-ordinary.html, von meiner schwester. was soll ich sagen, wahrscheinlich ist sie der hauptgrund warum ich frauen verstehe... date: 14Nov2008 02:25 CET author: entropie tags: sister german personal } Nut { permalink: 2008/11/13#nut608 text: "10 Very Good Reasons":http://www.biggerbetterbeards.org/ Why You Should Grow a Giant Beard date: 13Nov2008 22:12 CET author: entropie tags: baerd fun } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/29#nut602 text: "rapidobjekt.com":http://www.rapidobject.com/ -- 3d daten in reale objekte verwandeln date: 29Oct2008 19:00 CET author: entropie tags: 3d service german } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/29#nut601 text: "hurstwic":http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/daily_living/text/longhouse.htm -- longhouses in the norse era date: 29Oct2008 18:58 CET author: entropie tags: longhouses norse buildings } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/29#nut600 text: "erowid":http://www.erowid.org/ documenting the complex relationships beetween humans and psychoactives date: 29Oct2008 18:55 CET author: entropie tags: psychoactives humans } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/29#nut599 text: Using "blacknwhite":http://plugins.jquery.com/project/blacknwhite, your MSIE users will see your website with a grayscale color date: 29Oct2008 18:44 CET author: entropie tags: jquery } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/22#nut597 text: "alltagsantihelden":http://alltagsantihelden.de date: 22Oct2008 20:42 CEST author: entropie tags: alltagsantihelden upcoming } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/21#nut596 text: "FOOT 2008":http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ppy6_foot-2008-remi-gaillard_fun by "Remi Gaillard":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9mi_Gaillard date: 21Oct2008 19:22 CEST author: entropie tags: fun } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/21#nut594 text: "Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations Of Wired Keyboards":http://lasecwww.epfl.ch/keyboard/ date: 21Oct2008 17:08 CEST author: entropie tags: hacks emanation keyboard hardware } Nut { permalink: 2008/10/17#nut592 text: "Feng-GUI":http://www.feng-gui.com/ Feng Shui for Graphic User Interfaces date: 17Oct2008 19:08 CEST author: entropie tags: gfx www service } Nut { permalink: 2008/09/30#nut589 text: "Color Codes":http://color.ssve.ru/ date: 30Sep2008 20:18 CEST author: entropie tags: rgb color www service } Nut { permalink: 2008/09/30#nut588 text: "CSS Systems for writing maintainable CSS":http://natbat.net/2008/Sep/28/css-systems/ (slides) date: 30Sep2008 20:15 CEST author: entropie tags: css slides talk } Nut { permalink: 2008/09/30#nut587 text: "Emacs Command Summary":http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/LCSR-Computing/some-docs/emacs-chart.html date: 30Sep2008 20:15 CEST author: entropie tags: emacs cheat } Nut { permalink: 2008/09/12#nut579 text: "colorful optical illusions":http://www.colourlovers.com/blog/2008/09/10/11-colorful-optical-illusions/ date: 12Sep2008 13:25 CEST author: entropie tags: colors illusion art }