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ttyrec is a tty recorder. Recorded data can be played back with the included ttyplay command. ttyrec is just a derivative of script command for recording timing information with microsecond accuracy as well. It can record emacs -nw, vi, lynx, or any programs running on tty.

12Feb09 1311 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in tty, linux and recorder.

This is the story of Helmer. A linux cluster in a IKEA Helmer cabinet.

24Apr08 2002 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in tech, linux, cluster and hardware.

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by
X11-window managers like dwm to the console.

11Feb08 1230 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in shell, linux, tiling and wm.
16Nov07 0602 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported and linux.

xmonad — 0.3 released “Xmonad is a minimalist tiling window manager for X, written in Haskell. Windows are managed using automatic layout algorithms, which can be dynamically reconfigured.”

04Sep07 2216 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, xmonad and linux.

lshw (Hardware Lister) is a small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine.

06Feb07 0115 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, linux and hardware.

Linux Kernel in a Nutshell online available from

14Jan07 1601 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, linux, kernel and docs.
Filed in imported, linux and geek.
by entropie <>
12Nov07 2122 CET
by entropie <>
17Oct07 0244 CEST
Filed in imported and linux.
26May07 0043 CEST

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This page is proudly brought to you by Backbite. Basically it’s a collection of interesting things I discovered during my daily web excursions, but there are some other people contributing to this Tumblog. All in the spirit of Christian Neukirchens first Tumblelog Anarchaia.

Programs used to create this page: my brain, Emacs, Ruby, textile(redcloth) Haml, Linux, Apache, postfix, procmail and some more.