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Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

11Jul08 1523 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in google, protocol and code.

“Laut Page sei die menschliche DNA zu einem 600 MByte großen Datensatz komprimierbar. Zudem seien menschliche Hirnalgorithmen nicht so kompliziert, dass man diese nicht mit hinreichender Rechnerkapazität nachmodellieren könne”—Google Brain Uh..

22Oct07 1724 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, google and fun.
17Jul07 2356 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, google and movie.

Google Labs Aptitude Test. Google 4 president.

24May07 0458 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, google and test.

Google calendar sends now SMS.

24Jan07 1452 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, google and calendar.
24Jan07 0123 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported and google.

piracy—global warming
Filed in fun, warming and google.
06Feb08 1731 CET



Filed in imported and google.
22Sep07 2056 CEST

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This page is proudly brought to you by Backbite. Basically it’s a collection of interesting things I discovered during my daily web excursions, but there are some other people contributing to this Tumblog. All in the spirit of Christian Neukirchens first Tumblelog Anarchaia.

Programs used to create this page: my brain, Emacs, Ruby, textile(redcloth) Haml, Linux, Apache, postfix, procmail and some more.