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Mv_Embed is a javascript library for easy embedding of ogg theora/vorbis media with the html5 tag.

17Nov08 1633 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in js, embed, lib, code and www.

Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

11Jul08 1523 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in google, protocol and code.

AxsJAX injects accessibility enhancements as defined by W3C ARIA.

30Mar08 0634 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in axsjax, javascript, web20 and code.

codepad is a pastebin that runs your code for
you. Nice.

06Mar08 2349 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in pastebin, code, service and web.

loop { haskell to python to ruby to haskell}

11Feb08 1909 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in ruby, code, golf and german.

A Use of the Y Combinator in Ruby

23Jan08 0117 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and code.

Object-oriented Pipelines, interesting but slightly outdated.

28Nov07 0023 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and code.

Higher-order messaging in Ruby. Great article.

30Mar07 0347 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and code.
Filed in perl, fun and code.
14Feb08 0021 CET

Filed in code, programming and comic.
05Feb08 0427 CET

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This page is proudly brought to you by Backbite. Basically it’s a collection of interesting things I discovered during my daily web excursions, but there are some other people contributing to this Tumblog. All in the spirit of Christian Neukirchens first Tumblelog Anarchaia.

Programs used to create this page: my brain, Emacs, Ruby, textile(redcloth) Haml, Linux, Apache, postfix, procmail and some more.