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09Dec08 0043 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in genentic, programming, mona and lisa.

XRVG stands for “eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics”. The purpose of this project is to define and implement a high-level and powerful programming environment for vector graphics generation.

06Dec08 2103 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in xrvg, ruby, svg and programming.

Ur is a programming language designed to introduce richer type system features into functional programming in the tradition of ML and Haskell. Ur is functional, pure, statically-typed, and strict. Ur supports a powerful kind of metaprogramming based on row types.

26Nov08 1715 CET
by entropie <>

Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. Version 1.0 released. There is a javascript port as well.

25Nov08 1725 CET
by entropie <>
20Aug08 1322 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in programming.

Can’t think of a good class name? Try this

19Mar08 1805 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in fun and programming.

Frink is a practical calculating tool and programming language
designed to help us all to better understand the world around us, to
help us get calculations right without getting bogged down in the
mechanics, and to make a tool that’s really useful in the real world.

15Mar08 2228 CET
by Alan Eliasen

Filed in code, programming and comic.
05Feb08 0427 CET

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This page is proudly brought to you by Backbite. Basically it’s a collection of interesting things I discovered during my daily web excursions, but there are some other people contributing to this Tumblog. All in the spirit of Christian Neukirchens first Tumblelog Anarchaia.

Programs used to create this page: my brain, Emacs, Ruby, textile(redcloth) Haml, Linux, Apache, postfix, procmail and some more.