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XRVG stands for “eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics”. The purpose of this project is to define and implement a high-level and powerful programming environment for vector graphics generation.

06Dec08 2103 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in xrvg, ruby, svg and programming.

Ramaze: The underrated Web Framework Screencast RubyConf 2008

26Nov08 1714 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in ramaze, ruby, screencast and rubyconf.
23Apr08 2013 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in ruby, rails, www and devel.

loop { haskell to python to ruby to haskell}

11Feb08 1909 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in ruby, code, golf and german.

Hosting is obsolete, funny boys.

24Jan08 0905 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, hosting, ruby and rails.

A Use of the Y Combinator in Ruby

23Jan08 0117 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and code. is a (online) ruby regular expression editor.

22Jan08 0106 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby, regexp and www.

Object-oriented Pipelines, interesting but slightly outdated.

28Nov07 0023 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and code.

RDDB is a Ruby Document-oriented Database. It is inspired by CouchDB and the notion that you insert documents into the database and then define views for querying. Views are defined as blocks which are used to select the documents and the attributes in the documents that are relevant to your needs. Views are materialized to enhance performance.

07Nov07 0342 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and database.

, “Für die nächsten 60 Tage bietet die SitePoint-Developer-Plattform das komplette englischsprachige Ruby on Rails-Buch “Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications” – von Patrick Lenz kostenlos als 447-seitiges PDF-Dokument zum Download an.” Danke.

05Oct07 1728 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby, rails, docs and german.

First look at Resolver, an IronPython-based spreadsheet.

28Sep07 1834 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported and ruby.

Rutot, the friendly Ruby bot. Testing version (0.2.9) available via google code.

08Sep07 0618 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby, bot, irc and release.

Higher-order messaging in Ruby. Great article.

30Mar07 0347 CEST
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby and code.

Radius is a powerful tag-based template language for Ruby inspired by the template languages used in MovableType and TextPattern.

06Feb07 1143 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported and ruby.

Ruby quick reference, by zenspider.

06Feb07 0211 CET
by entropie <>
Filed in imported, ruby, docs and quick.

09Feb08 1717 CET
025723 <shevy> ich muss dazu entropie überreden
025725 <shevy> der schreibt guten code
025801 <duschendestroyer> der will aber dann wieder eine shell die auch meinen klappstuhl als backend nutzen kann
by entropie <>
Filed in klappstuhl, backend, fun, shell and ruby.
26Feb07 2105 CET

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This page is proudly brought to you by Backbite. Basically it’s a collection of interesting things I discovered during my daily web excursions, but there are some other people contributing to this Tumblog. All in the spirit of Christian Neukirchens first Tumblelog Anarchaia.

Programs used to create this page: my brain, Emacs, Ruby, textile(redcloth) Haml, Linux, Apache, postfix, procmail and some more.